
Amyloid Toxicity: Myths, Contradictions & Failures

For over a hundred years, since Alois Alzheimer published his famous plaque and tangle pictures, it has been taken for granted that these plaques and tangles are actively killing the neurons by being toxic. There was no proof needed of why or how they are toxic, the details and mechanisms were to come eventually over time to prove what we already knew all along, these structures are toxic. Observations and experiments were not performed to test the toxic gain -of-function ( GOF) theory of amyloid pathology, but just to verify what we already know, they are toxic. Here, and exactly here, is where the pathology (as a scientific discipline) got its own disease; confirmation bias. No amount of counterevidence was ever enough to challenge GOF. Any counterevidence was either accommodated somehow or simply dismissed, leading to a group of myths and contradictory arguments that are recited almost religiously in papers, reviews, conferences, and media interactions to defend GOF. A smokescreen o...